Biggest crock of $hit I've ever heard

by ATX
posted 02-17-03 05:35 AM
I havent read more than the first page of this thread, but before I read the whole thing I would like to add this before I forget:

From the initial responses, it seems apparent that some of you dont realize something fundamental and very important about the stock market. The stock market IS CONTROLLED BY A VERY FEW INDIVIDUALS, and this is documented, and I have a LOT of PROOF. I know of a couple of great stocks to buy, but that would only drive the price and cast suspicion towards me. I'm not really a conspiracy theorist, but I am not blind to the fact that human nature + American dollars = a lot of evil. The few individuals that control the stock market have their eye on much larger things but that is not so much what this is about (email me for links). I will say one thing. Our airports are a disaster waiting to happen, I have no doubt that coordinated attacks are imminent on multiple sites in an effort to cripple our transportation system. And this WILL cripple our transportation hubs. There is a solid information trail leading to this conclusion as well as other intelligence gathered from weak-link Islamic Fundamentalists. The government has done nothing even basic IMO to stop this from happening. Which is why this group is investing heavily in another transportation sector (my sources say they control 40% now). Who are the members of this group? Those in power that want even more power. The mainstream media is no better than a monday nite road fave, put your money and belief on the opposite to come out ahead, they are manipulated more often than they report the truth, as "those in power" own a large contingent of the media.

I could go on and on, but the main point of the above paragraph was to show how very corrupt the stock market is. This is a poor example, but very public: Martha Stewart is an example of someone who has a little bit of power thru the people that she knows and used that power in a criminal way. She is a poor example because she doesnt have any real power, she doesnt affect the global economy or govern millions of people, she is more or less a scapegoat. The military and NASA have to have funding for their covert projects (similar to Iran/Contra) and in addition to supplying the US with roughly 40% of our illicit drug supply the government has its hand in massaging the stock market as well. There is something very fishy about the leaps in technology in certain areas by NASA/military such as HAARP and neutron/rail. Email me if you want further info on what the gov. is up to and what is going to happen, I am anon. and there is nothing linking to my real name, I NEVER post or wager from my own home.

"Gambling is a zero-sum game. Every dollar won is a dollar lost by someone else. Worse, as generally practiced, there is a 10% "transaction" charge and a "turnover rate" that would be off the scale compared to the worst trading junkie in the world. Investing, on the other hand, particularly as practiced by Warren Buffett, is decidedly NOT a zero-sum game. Shares of a business ultimately have value because the business itself has a real world value. Over time, in a growing economy, a well run business will grow its profits and this in turn drives up its value. There is NO comparison to gambling."

Says who? How long has the stock market been around?? Because the stock market bounced back after the Great Depression it will always bounce back?? Betting on sports is an investment in yourself, you cant control the cogs in the stock market, and most people cant name 5 employees of a company in which they own stock, athletes are VERY visible. Buffet DOES make a large amount of his living off of his FEES, he doesnt like to touch his invested capital (most investors dont)!! 10% transaction fee?? WHERE?? Reduced vig is everywhere, the books know high volume is the wave of the future. Tradesports,WSEX etc allow you to actually buy/sell shares of a team DURING the course of a game. And their transaction fee is smaller than E*Trade's if you want to get technical.

"Even the dullest of minds learns by repetition..."

Fortunately, they many areas of life.

"Investors have people they answer too those people have people to answer too. Investors don't base their investment choices from their dorm room or an apartment. They have business degrees there licensed and more importantly they have ACCOUNTABILITY (not sure I spelled that right)"

LMAO!! Who do they answer to?? To the people whose life savings they have lost?? I'll let you in on this little secret...There once was this company called ENRON, and when all of its employees and thousands of investors world-wide lost all of their investment they called all of their financial advisors for answers, and the financial advisors told them "Great news!! I know that Enron didnt perform like expected, but there's this great oppurtunity with Global Crossing and Worldcom...
A lot of investors DO base their investments from their dorm room or an apartment since they had to sell the house, and are going back to school b/c financial advising isnt good to a lot of people right now. The licensing is a joke, and as far as "ACCONTABILITY" in the exact words of one of my best friends who is a financial advisor when asked how work was going "My job sucks. I basically have to explain why someone's life savings is half of what it was 3 years ago and convince them that they need to put in even more money to get it back." A-C-C-O-U-N-T-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y.

I'm not saying JAKE is good or bad at this. OK, his record has been bad except for baseball season many months ago. Then why is he still newsworthy?? Because baseball is typically the toughest US sport to beat, and you guys feel/fear that he can recognize value. Besides that fact, what everyone seems to miss is the fact that if you do VERY poorly (below 45% at -110 or less over a sig sample size) then by reversing the system this will give you 55% winners. It's not as simple as I just put it, but keeping accurate records of one's performance can shave YEARS off the learning curve by going back and reviewing the situations which continually lost for you.

IT DOES NOT TAKE EVERYONE 10 YEARS TO LEARN HOW TO RECOGNIZE VALUE IN THE SPORTS MARKET, PERIOD. THERE ARE CEO'S THAT HAVE NOT REACHED THE AGE OF 30 in the business world, the same thing applies to every facet of life BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Just because it took YOU 10 years of losing your BR to figure out where it all went, doesnt mean that the same applies to EVERYONE. Limitations are for the short-sighted under-achievers who dont have the juevos to take a calculated risk when the prepared oppurtunity arrives.

All the sniping and bad-mouthing reminds me of the ne'er-do-wells at the old folks home. You know, the mean-spirited ones that piss themselves every night just to make someone have to clean it up. Ever wonder why they end up that way? Either they failed throughout life or were too scared of failure to pursue their dreams. It's not hard to win 55% of the time once you establish an edge. But the more I look around the more I feel that "you either got it or you dont..." Some guys WIN FROM DAY ONE, others never will make back what they lost in the beginning before they got a slight edge. If Dogball's 'service' isnt doing so hot, that now makes an amazing 9 services in a row that I have seen open up right before my eyes with a handicapper that was doing very well, only to tank. Anyone know of any new services?

I am NOT taking personal shots at anyone. I AM rebutting some statements that I think are weak. If you can win with 10$ wagers, YOU CAN WIN WITH 10K ON THE LINE IF YOU PRACTICED SOUND MONEY MANAGEMENT ALONG THE WAY. It's an economy of scale if you make it such. If you are strong then the monetary amount on each game doesnt matter, the 55% is all that matters at month's end. If you want to get sharp, hang around those that are sharper, if you want to win, hang around losers- and learn how to do the opposite. It's hard to lose with the 84% law.
Posts: 1236 | From: AUSTIN | Registered: 01-28-02


New member
Sep 21, 2004
That's what I thought.

I'd like to hear your side of the argument, you heard 17 minutes of mine.

"biggest crock of shit I have ever heard.."

Is that the best you can come up with??

So you are saying that the stock market is not corrupt, the airports WONT be hit, the HAARP program in Alaska is a myth, that baseball is the easiest sport to beat, that the stock market WILL bounce back to 2000 levels, that NO ONE has shown +ROI in the sports market from day one?? What I posted was just the tip of the iceberg, so please be specific with your argument.
"Biggest crock of $hit...", all that says to me is that you are too simple-minded to formulate your own argument. You are simply calling attention and waiting for back-up, it really is laughable how easy people have been manipulated into a certain line of thinking, people are so scared of what they dont understand.
Have you ever heard of contrails?
Do you even know what HAARP is?

...oh but it's all BS.

nope, see you on the flip side.


New member
Sep 21, 2004



I guess you thought you had something to say, then realized that you really dont, since you cant trust your own opinion, which is why you rely on fading born losers.

Too bad that isnt self-sufficient, you will always have to rely on others for that strategy, not a good idea in the years ahead.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I will disagree with one small part of your argument. In my opinion, baseball is the easiest sport to beat. Let me explain. In football and basketball, for example, you're dealing with spreads rather than odds. Everything being equal, concerning middles and scalping, this is a huge difference. Sure, in football and basketball, middling opportunities arise all the time, but when the occasion arises that you do hit that middle, you have probably played too many to garner any real profit.
On the other hand, when you're dealing with odds in baseball (or hockey for that matter), scalping opportunities can be found daily. Granted, it isn't very exciting, but a +105 at one book and a +102 on the other side at another is strictly free money. Hitting exactly half your picks can still result in a boatload of cash, assuming you have a large bankroll and several outs.
Again, if it's excitement you're looking for, baseball may not be the way to go. But if we're talking strictly money-making possibilities with zero handicapping talent, there's no easier sport than bases. There are no pushes in baseball.



New member
Sep 21, 2004
for first time handicappers, baseball is usually more difficult to handicap since you should convert ML's to fractions, and most of the public doesnt bother to do it, they just look at the biggest ML's and think those teams should win. Also since there are so many baseball games, the average game is meaningless to the public, and the public doesnt like to follow or wager as much on what they consider meaningless games when compared to basketball and football.

In football and basketball you have spreads AND odds, I dont understand what you mean by saying that they dont exist. I dont overlook ML's in those sports and dont understand why people do, I almost always put at least a 50% wager on the dog ML versus what I put on the points in the NBA and NFL, and I would still make a lot more by going completely on the ML for the dogs. Spreads in football and basketball are just a function of the ML, and there are pretty good clues as to who is leaning which way by comparing ML's to what the pointspreads in the NFL and NBA should be for that dollar amount and vice versa.

I dont consider scalping and middling as handicapping. They are profitable, especially if you take good leads, but when I referred to baseball as the toughest sport to beat, I was not referring to taking a -120/+132. Besides, it's not very intelligent to scalp or middle if your handicapping is more profitable. Many times is unwise to give up your initial position just to wipe out risk, it just depends on what risk/reward you want to create. Keep in mind that it is also doubtful that large scalps will be available for long, the economics that created a lot of the scalps, (hundreds of offshores popping up overnight, many of which wager with post-up money) will probably dry up in the next couple of years as the weak books are forced out of business after hanging so many weak numbers. But on teams that I cant get a solid handle on, I will usually scalp instead of pass, I just dont like to do the same game at at the same book. I understand how you like baseball so much, I do too. It's too bad that PINN had to adjust their alternate run lines, those were way off for a while.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I've got to disagree with you here bud, there is alot of truth and experience in this write up.

not that i agree with all of ATX's comments, but overall i enjoyed the post.

lets learn from each other


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